Sunday, December 30, 2012

Saying Goodbye

Hand knitted socks (from my Memere) & LLbean boots---a sign of a real New England winter! 

Sledding at Landry Park in my hometown.
The last days of 2012 are upon us. . .I have to say, this year has had its challenges but by & large, it's been pretty good.   We've enjoyed our week in Vermont & it's as though the fates don't want us to leave----an additional 8" of snow has fallen over the past 24 hours & the roads aren't that great.  Our normal 13 hour drive (fully packed car with 2 dogs & one child) was looking like it could be 15+ hours.  Not our idea of fun, so since we're not on any sort of real schedule, why not stay an extra day.    Sunshine is thrilled to have one more day with Memere.  My Mom is awesome & goes outside to play in the snow with Sunshine.  It's time that I know Sunshine will look back on & smile one day.  More sledding is on the agenda for this afternoon, as well as the Patriots game.  

As I look toward the New Year, I can't help but think about my resolutions.  Both for 2012 & 2013. Looking back on my 2012 resolutions, I found the following from my 1st post of 2012:

.  My official New Year's Resolution is to give up guilt---feeling guilty about saying no to things.  While I was with Kristine today, I decided that my knitting goals would be to have no UFO's (hear that Cascade Fixation footies???  And that box stitch baby blanket??? Circa 2008.  I'm looking at you!) this year.  I'm going to finish the socks & have accepted that one of two things will happen to the blanket.  Obviously.  Well, 3 things could happen--1) leave it be.  2)  Finish it or. . .3) frog it.  I've decided that if I finish it, great.  If I frog it (it's maybe 4".  Maybe), that's fine too.  The baby in question is now 3 years old.  I don't know anyone else having a baby & unless I donate it (see how I play upon my own guilt?  Donate it---that's the right thing to do!) there's really no need to finish it.  We'll see what it's final fate will be.

Looking back, eh.  I didn't finish my UFOs.  I'm thisclose to finishing my baby blanket, which I've decided will be donated to the hospital on post.  My socks?  I'll get them done.  I don't feel guilty about not finishing my UFOs so I guess one resolution stuck!   

I also gave up fast food for New Year's this year.  Aside from the monthly fundraiser for Sunshine's school & the occasional road trip food, I've stuck to it.  And I really don't miss it.   I also gave up Diet Coke which was major.  

I've been trying to come up with resolutions/goals for this year & after much thought came up with the following:  

1) Finish all FOs. I'm so close, it would be ridiculous to let them sit yet another year!
2) Continue with healthy choices.   I'm never going to be one of those super strict, uber clean eating people.  And that's okay.  As my nutritionist says, "you have to live"  I will eat birthday cake at Sunshine's friends birthday parties.  I will have the occasional lime tootsie roll dipped in salt.  And wine & cocktails.  But I need to continue to balance them with healthy foods.  I don't need seconds of things.  I don't need to overload my plate like it's my last meal.
3) This one's long:    a year & a half ago, I severed a relationship with someone whom I considered to be a close friend.  Her girls were friends with Sunshine.  It was a difficult thing to do, but I look back & know that in my heart, it was the right thing to do.  This was a person who used people.  If you could watch her children, you were her friend.  If you told her things she waned to hear, you were her friend.   Those people who had told her the truth about her children were kicked to the side & talked about.  And I'm not going to lie---I talked about former friends with her.   I'm sure she talks about me to those people she used to talk about but who are now her closest friends.   Until the next "friend" comes along.  
This past year I deleted these two women as FB friends.  If I wouldn't associate with you in public, why are we FB friends?
Which leads me to this year.   I've reached a point in my life where the only people I want around my family are those people who lift us up.  Who are there for us in good times & bad.  People who we can support in good times & bad.  Wow, sounds like we're looking for sister wives!  
But seriously, this week with my family has been wonderful---no drama, no fighting, no nonsense.  When I was growing up, one of my Mom's sisters was always creating drama.  New Year's Day is big in my Mom's family---the 5 siblings who lived locally would meet at either my Memere's house or my uncle's with all their kids.  I'm the youngest of 22 grandchildren & only 3 didn't live within an hours drive.  We're talking big gathering.
Anyway, everyone walked on eggshells on New Year's Day because Aunt J was always mad at someone.  Would she show up?  Would she talk to her newest target? 
When my Aunt J died in 2009, my Mom admitted that she regretted keeping the peace in trying to appease Aunt J.  That she & her siblings should have told J that if she wanted to keep starting "stuff" she could leave them out of it.  
Hindsight & my Mom are wise.
So, 2013:  no UFOs, healthy choices & no nonsense!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Snow Day!

"Getting an inch of snow is like winning 10 cents in the lottery"  Bill Watterson

If this Calvin & Hobbes quote is to be believed, then my child is about 70 cents richer.  I don't know how we're going to get her to come inside long enough to eat lunch!  

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Kit arrives for Christmas '12

             You know your child is so excited by her present that she's a blur in pictures!   

Hectic holiday travel & all that goes with it aside, we're enjoying a wonderful, stress-free holiday in beautiful snowy Vermont.  My husband, daughter & I are together.    We're enjoying being with family.   Merry Christmas, indeed!

Saturday, December 15, 2012




noun, plural re·spon·si·bil·i·ties.
the state or fact of being responsible.
an instance of being responsibleThe responsibility for this mess is yours!
a particular burden of obligation upon one who is responsiblethe responsibilities of authority.
a person or thing for which one is responsibleA child is a responsibility to its parents.
reliability or dependability, especially in meeting debts or payments. 

There are times when being responsible stinks.  Hunter's father is sick, again.  We live several states away & I know that at times it bothers Hunter that he isn't there to help out more.  He does what he can when we visit but I know his sense of responsibility kicks in & goes into overdrive when he hears about things not going smoothly for them.

Like now.

His dad is going through another round of chemo & asked if Hunter would go up there to help out.  Of course, he said yes.  These are his parents, after all.   Monday makes a week that he left.

Sunshine misses her Daddy.  A lot.  He missed more than half of her life by the time she was 4.  That's a significant amount of time to miss.  Especially when it's your only child.   

Yesterday my heart broke for those poor families who were torn apart in Connecticut.  I'm not going to get on my soapbox about anything regarding it other than if you have a heart, keep this community in your prayers, thoughts, vibes, whatever you do.   I'm convinced there's a special place in hell for anyone who would knowingly kill a child, mentally disturbed or not.

In the midst of so much sadness I found myself at school for Sunshine's Drama Kids presentation.  Our principal & his wife were there as their oldest is in Sunshine's group.  We were talking before the kids got started & he confided in me that Sunshine told him that she missed her Daddy.  

My heart, which had already been torn apart all day, was truly broken.  I managed not to cry but it makes me so sad that my poor girl is missing her Daddy.  Hasn't she spent enough time away from him in her little life?  I know kids are resilient.  She's shown me that time & time again.  I know she'll be okay but still,  my poor sweet girl.  I hurt when she hurts.  I hate that he missed her Christmas Show.  He'll get to see it on DVD but it's not the same as being there.

I don't blame Hunter for going to help his parents---I would do the same thing for my Mom.  It's the least we can do for our families.

But I wish I had a magic wand to make her sadness go away.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Proceed With Caution

Sunshine & friends performing "Back To The Drawing Board" in the Christmas Show
I've been counting down to today.  The last day of Secret Santa Shop, the 2012 Christmas Show performed, applauded & ended.  And it's here.  Granted, it's early in the day but I'm proceeding with caution.  I'm heading into school in a little while to help out in the SSS, get the bank deposits ready for yesterday & today and then helping to break down the shop before picking Sunshine up from Drama Kids.

Tonight we're going to dinner to celebrate the show & the birthday of one of Sunshine's friends.  Tomorrow we have a birthday party to attend & then we are truly in the home stretch of Christmas Break.  I can see the light ahead of me!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Counting Down To Friday

There's this mantra in my head. . .if I make it to Friday.  If I make it to Friday, everything will be okay.

I'm not just riding the crazy train this week, I'm the engineer.    Or the porter, at the very least.

It started this past Friday.  I was getting ready to go up to school to decorate 90 some odd shirts with the 3rd graders for the Christmas Show which is this Thursday.  The PTA president calls me in a tizzy asking if I've heard that the music teacher has changed the costumes.

For the 3rd graders, the costumes are these shirts.  You know, that we're decorating in 2 hours.  Yeah, those.

Costume change.  Without letting us know.

Our music teacher is a really nice man.  The kids love him & he always does a great show, be it the Christmas Show, a presentation by the school chorus or a grade level performance at one of our PTA meetings.

That being said, he definitely marches to the beat of his own drum and doesn't share the OCD that those of us on the PTA board have.   The President & I approached him in early November about committing to a costume for the kids.  Her son and Sunshine are in this show as is the Secretary's daughter & another chair person's daughter.  We have a vested interest in this.  He agrees on the shirts which will be decorated.  We run with this--we wend home a letter asking parents to send in $5 for a long sleeve t shirt & holy cow, they sent in the money!  This doesn't happen all the time so it's clearly a Christmas miracle..  We order the shirts, they come in & we're going to decorate.

Do you get how pressing the decorating is??

So, he wants them to wear different costumes.  I fully admit to throwing a nutty & emailing  the principal, the 3rd grade teachers & the other PTA board members about how this simply CANNOT happen.  People, I ranted, I raved & yes, I threw a nutty.  As my husband says, my motto is "there is no reaction like an over-reaction"---in this case, it was warranted.

By 1030 I'm at school, with fabric paint, with 90 some odd shirts & all the other paraphernalia needed to decorate the shirts.  Somewhere around 1115, one of the teachers comes out into the hallway to ask if I've read my email as the principal has replied & is backing us up.

Don't make me pull a nutty!  I will win.

I leave school somewhere around 1230 to meet Hunter for lunch.  He's spending the next 2 weeks in VA with his family as his father is starting another round of chemo & has asked that Hunter shuttle him around.  One of the things I love about him (Hunter) is his devotion to his family & his compassionate nature.  I know some of it is the medic in him but a lot of it is just who he is.

We went back to school to set up Secret Santa Shop (SSS).  I got home at 5 & was totally exhausted.  Sadly, Sunshine's elf had left a challenge for her on Sunday---if she did her homework when she was supposed to & with out fuss, listened to us & did what she was asked, when she was asked & if she picked up her toys when asked, she'd get a prize on Friday.   Well, my little goal oriented child did all three things & was rewarded with a trip to the National Infantry Museum to see The Polar Express at their IMAX theater that night.  We went to dinner & then to the 7:15 show.  I wasn't able to sleep during the movie because I was too busy boo-hooing over the fact that like Hero Boy, Sunshine is on the cusp of not believing anymore.  She has a sleigh bell that we gave her when she was 3 & first saw the movie.  She'll shake it & tell me that she hears it ring & do I hear it ring??  But she's almost 9---it's coming.

Saturday we pulled off our Small Business Saturday/Craft Fair event but it was very eh.  We were in competition with a parade downtown & a festival at a local antique/junk shop.  Next year, we're planning on doing it in November.

Sunday was spent doing laundry & helping Hunter to pack.

Which brings us to today.   We finished the last class' t shirts & then I ran to Hobby Lobby for some AG sized ceramic pots to go with Kit's Cookstove for Sunshine.  To be truthful, I'm not even sure when we're giving this to her.  Valentine's maybe? Or her birthday.

We're full gear on SSS this week.  The PTA Secretary & another mom are running it which was a tremendous help.  They both ran it at their old schools so we're doing some things differently this year---everything being wrapped for instance.  Our only concern is that they don't have enough items.  The VP & I are a little worried but if they wind up having to buy more stuff, so be it.

I'm working the SSS on Tuesday & Wednesday, all day.   Should be interesting.  And then, Thursday night is the Christmas Show.  See why I'm holding out for Friday?

It is coming, right??

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


As in 10 years married.   Today is our 10th wedding anniversary.  Ten years doesn't seem like a lot in the course of a lifetime, but it is.

In our 10 years that we've been married (11 that we've been together), we've faced:

1 move (apartment to our own home)
the loss of 3 grandparents
the loss of 1 parent
the birth of one child
3 dogs & the loss of 1
4 cars
3 combat tours
numerous TDYs
1 trip to Paris
2 beach trips to Florida
1 trip to Disney (Sunshine & I took a trip with friends but I"m not counting that one)
numerous trips to family in VA & VT
a few "holy cow, was I mad at you!" fights
a few "I am SO so so sorry" make ups
6 years of sharing a sink in the master bath
3 years of having our own sinks! (trust me, this one?  This one's a big deal)

I'm not going to say every single moment was pure bliss.  It wasn't.  If it was, I'd wonder what was going on.  There were days it was hard &  But it was right.  And it was good.  And I wouldn't trade it for anything.  There were nay-sayers who said it wouldn't last.  Who quoted statistics regarding second marriages.

The funny thing about statistics; there's always someone proving them wrong.

I love you, Hunter & always will.  Thank you for putting up with me for the past 11 years.  You mean the world to me!  xox

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

'Tis The Season

Last year, our PTA started tossing around the idea of hosting a craft fair.  We'd sell the space to vendors and let them sell their wares.  We wouldn't have to do much other than map out the space, direct and collect the money.

A couple weeks ago at our Executive Board meeting we were discussing our upcoming Secret Santa Shop event.  It's something our school does every year.  It's a fairly successful event--kids are invited in to shop for family members (even pets), we wrap their gifts and send them on their way.  

We got smart this year--we have two new moms who have run SSS at their old schools.  They had different ideas and did things differently than we normally do.  The nice thing about President K, VP V & I is that we have minimal ego issues when it comes to certain PTA events.  Such as Secret Santa.  Don't mess with how I do the Book Fair, because I will blow a gasket, but you want to change up the SSS?  Rock on with your bad self, let me know when/where I need to be & I'll write the checks to pay for the merchandise!

So, there we were in the conference room.  The four of us (Pres. K, VP V, Secretary B & myself) are a fun group, if i do say so myself.  We're all type A personalities with varying degrees of OCD.  We like to cut up & have fun.  And heaven forbid you mess with the kids of our school or the work we do for them.  Not.Cool.

We're talking about SSS & suddenly the words "hey, remember that craft fair we wanted to do?"  were hanging in the air.

And they stayed there.  Nothing was done about them.  Until two days ago when K, B & I were picking up our kids.

Next thing I knew, I was emailing our Principal to make sure we could get into the school on the 8th (it's a Saturday), emailing a local parenting group  as well as a local craft shop to see if they'd advertise that we're looking for vendors, and copying 575-ish flyers to go home to parents.   We agreed that if we could get 6-10 vendors it would be a success.
Yep, we're doing this.    Eleven days to put together an event.  An event that includes the public.  And if the public doesn't participate, we have no real event.

Tonight the parenting group posted our info.  Two people have contacted Secretary B for more info.  And a parent contacted her.

We might just pull this off after all!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It Must Be The Christmas Season If. . .

I'm starting a chevron scarf for Sunshine's teacher.  I started the "tradition" of knitting scarves as teacher gifts when Sunshine was 2 and in preschool.  Three years and six scarves later, the real tradition of the chevron scarf knitted with Koigu was born.  The only exception was her Kindergarten teacher at SuperWonderfulElementarySchool.  Sunshine started there after Christmas and I felt compelled to make an end of the year scarf.  Seriously, it's 90+ degrees in Georgia in May---wouldn't you want a scarf?  Anyway, I never made it until last year.  And I did deviate in that I used Noro Cash Island.  But that's somewhat of an upgrade.

I digress.

This year Sunshine's teacher is a scarf fiend.  She's always totally accessorized, colors all matchy-matchy and is truly fabulous.  And Sunshine adores her.

I've toyed with the idea of making a ruffle scarf for her but keep feeling compelled to make the chevron scarf.  Last night at knitting I got about 7 rows into her scarf when I decided that I was going to make it on the length rather than the regular top to bottom width scarf.  So, tomorrow Sunshine and I will be making a trip to YarnHouse Studios to pick up some Silk Garden.  I know, I know, not Koigu?!!  I'm worried that I'll need 3 skeins of KPPPM & won't get it in time.

We're having a low-key Thanksgiving this year which is nice.  We'll take down the Thanksgiving decorations from the mantle and put up our Christmas tree and other decorations.  And Sunshine has agreed to dismantle her Barbie Townhouse and store it up in the attic.  She's itching for Hunter to start building her AG dollhouse and honestly, I am too.  She's acquired several pieces of furniture (Julie's doll bed with another (Kit's) coming at Christmas, table & chairs, 2 wicker chairs, Kit's desk & cookstove. ) and we're going to need to go vertical to make room for all of it!

And you know Christmas is coming when Sunshine is ready for our Elf on the Shelf, Go-Go, to arrive.  She put her Barbie couch and bed for Go-Go last night, along with a little skirt and notes.  Mommy needs to find a little present for Go-Go to leave for Sunshine!  Last year it was a nutcracker (she has a small collection).  Hmmm, must look through the hidden treasure box in the armoire in our room to find something!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!  And if you're venturing out on Black Friday because you cannot possibly do without rude crowds of crazed shoppers in search of those 3 tvs on sale, please be kind to those poor souls who are working.  They'd much rather be anywhere else but waiting on rude people.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veterans Day 2012

                                                  Sunshine & I are proud of our medic!       

PTSD: A Soldier's Perspective is a great blog written from the perspective of someone who's actually been there.  Not someone who saw battles on tv or in the movies or on a video game.  He was in it.   And he gets it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Think Before You Speak

Honestly, I don't even know how it happened.  Remember a couple posts back where I said that the PTA specifies that Executive Board members cannot hold a position for more than two years?  And that I was hoping to slide into the Secretary's spot for the next couple school years taking me through Sunshine's 5th grade year at SuperAwesomeSchool?


I'm still sitting here, shaking my head, in total disbelief about how the following occurred.

The other Exec. Board members and I have been discussing the benefits of dissolving our PTA and going the PTO route.  Again, mentioned in a previous post.  Everyone from our Principal down to teachers and other parents seem to be on board.   So last week, our PTA Secretary and I were talking before the start of our board meeting.  She very casually says "so, since we're going PTO next year, you can stay on as Treasurer since you've got a routine & know what you're doing."

This my friends is where things went horribly, horribly wrong.

"I know---I might as well do it."

It was out there, I couldn't take it back.  I couldn't deny I said it as the President and VP were sitting right.there.


Yep, staying on as Treasurer for a 3rd year.

What's that?  That sign on my forehead?  It says "Sucker"

Think before you speak, you might wind up being Treasurer 3 years in a row.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Perfectly Lovely Weekend

Weekends are special in our house---they can be super lazy or they can be hectic, but we take Saturday and Sunday seriously.  This weekend has been nothing short of wonderful.   For starters, all three of us slept in late on Saturday.  Hunter was the first one up and made coffee (thank you, sweetie!).  I chose to laze about in bed reading my book and just enjoying the quiet.  Sunshine didn't roll out of bed until around 9:15 at which point she came into our room, got in bed with me and watched cartoons while I read.  Hunter was kind enough to run to Starbuck's to get our breakfast.

Since Sunshine is a crafty girl and loves her AG dolls, we found this online and thought it would be a cool project to do.  Sadly, our tent that you see in the picture is quite possibly the worst quality and has since been returned to major retailer with a bulls eye for a logo.  We're currently saving for the AG version as we know the quality is much better.  

But, don't Chrissa, Elizabeth, Felicity and McKenna deserve a little place to toast marshmallows??  Of course, they do!   So, after we had lazed about for a sufficient amount of time, we went to the park near our house and picked up sticks and rocks.  We came home, broke out the glue gun and waited for Hunter to drill the hole in our board.  

We laid out our rocks in a nice little circle
Sunshine wanted the twigs REALLY tall.  I'm pretty sure her dolls will singe their brows when lighting this fire!

We stopped for dinner while the glue was drying.   I made zucchini pizzas from a recipe I'd found on Pinterest.  Ours were broiled rather than grilled but were yummy nonetheless!

Elizabeth thought she'd camp out to test out the campfire site.

Sunday morning we went back to the park as our soil has a high concentration of clay which isn't conducive to gluing!

We spread the glue on the board and started spreading!

A few hours later and wallah!  Instant campfire for dollies!  Elizabeth, McKenna & Felicity are enjoying it.

Chrissa is modeling the t shirt that Sunshine and I designed  last week.  

Then we moved the party inside.  Chrissa was so excited she kept falling over backwards.

We're off to bring a picnic lunch to the park so Sunshine can get some fresh air and play before we come home and subject her to the horrors of Mommy watching the Patriots take on the Jets.  Hunter will fix our Sunday during football season dinner standard--wings and we'll have a salad as well.  This week will be crazy busy as our PTA is putting on the annual Fall Festival on Friday.  I'll come back up for air hopefully next Sunday!
Have a great week!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Insert Witty Title Here

Let's see, in a nut shell, here's what's happened since last I posted:

1)  PTA Audit is over.  According to PTA guidelines, you can be in a board position for 2 years.  You may return to that position but only after a year has passed.  I can say with all honesty that I will NOT return to the Treasurer position for Sunshine's final year at *superawesomeschool*.   PTA Executive Board members are volunteers.  Aside from the occasional lunch, there is no reimbursement.  They put in long, long hours to make sure the fun things at school run smoothly.  And that's just the hours that you see them at school.  There are countless hours they put in once the school day is done.  The Treasurer's position is one of those positions.  I'm so hoping for Secretary next year as I can take notes, type them up & submit them.  It wouldn't lessen my time spent at school, but it's certainly a good deal less work at home!

2)  Fall Festival is upon us.  Granted, it's 2 1/2 weeks away but everyone is in full prep mode already.  My friend K who is our PTA President & Co-Chair of FF is losing her mind.  I love her dearly but holy cow, I thought I was bad when it came to Book Fair?  She's even worse than I am!  Deep down I'm praying for October 26th at 9pm to come quickly.  And painlessly.  K may need a major girls night after she recovers.

3)  A major rite of passage occurred here over the past weekend.  Sunshine got her ears pierced.  When she was 5, we told her that she could get them done but she'd put it off.  "When I start 1st grade" she'd say.  When 1st grade was in full swing, she'd say "When I turn 7"  The 7th birthday came & went.  No pierced ears.  Fast forward to last month.  She'd ask me questions about whether it hurt,  how was it done?  Would she get to wear the pearl earrings that Hunter bought her during one of his overseas tours?  So, we agreed on a date to have them done & asked one of her friends to come along for moral support.   Only my child would have an entourage tag along for an ear piercing!  Hunter was asked to come along as he would "help me be brave", as well as her friend H.  H's mom & grandmother came as they brought her straight from the soccer field.  There were a few tears, partly from nerves & in the end she was all smiles.  Of course she chose the birthstone earrings---faux diamonds for April.  I'm in trouble with this one! ;)

4)  Back to PTA "stuff"---we're doing research on the benefits from dissolving our PTA & going the PTO route.  Last year we paid over $1000 do the local & state PTA councils.  The benefits aren't that great to be truthful.   Yes, we receive a discount at Office Depot or some other office supply store, but it's never promoted.  Yes, we have lobbyists but we're a public school---lobbyists aren't that helpful when you're already government run.  So far I've done some online research on the hows & whys as well as exchanged emails with another local school's PTA president.  They made the switch last year & are very pleased with it.  We have a decent size budget for our school but an additional $1000 can go a long way---it would pay for buses for 2-3 field trips or could go for additional teacher grant money.

5) I've become addicted to Almond Joy coffee creamer.    I love my Starbucks but can't always make it there in the morning so I'll make coffee at home.  A little dash of this creamer in my Starbucks Vanilla coffee, 2 sweet'n lows later & I'm in heaven.

6)  I'm nearing the end of the baby blanket that I started three years ago.  You know, for the baby who was born in Germany (where his dad was stationed), moved back to the US & is now on his way back to Germany.  I've decided that I'm going to donate it to the hospital on post.  After I finish, I need to work on my UFO socks to complete my UFOs from years past.

7) I'm so proud of the girl I'm mentoring---she's the niece of the SuperAwesome bookatarian & is honestly one of the sweetest kids ever.  She learned to knit in June & is doing so well!  Her first project with a pattern was a dishcloth---a picture cloth of a turtle.  I'm not kidding when I say I made her rip it out three times.  The first time, she had holes from dropped stitches.  The second happened when there were errors with her purling.  The third, honestly I've kind of blocked because at that point, I felt like the meanest task master ever.  The upshot was the dishcloth turned out PERFECT!  Her stockinette stitches are beautiful & oh-so-even!  I felt like Rex Harrison--by jove, she's got it!!  She completed a scarf on her own--complete with switching colors, weaving in ends & everything!  I'm so excited about her progress & can't wait to see what else she creates!

8)  Today is Early Release Day for elementary schools in our district.  Sunshine gets out 2 hours earlier than normal.  Usually I try to plan something fun for ER days.  Last month, we were in Book Fair & had to go back in the evening for a PTA meeting (where we voted on the annual budget) & Family Night at the BF so I was trying to rest up during the afternoon.  We went to see Hotel Transylvania on opening weekend & Sunshine has no interest in Frankenweenie so I think we're going to Barnes & Noble to pick up the 3rd book in the AG Caroline series (A Surprise For Caroline), run by Zaxby's to get Sunshine a birthday cake shake & then home to play before starting homework.  

We've been enjoying a few days of more seasonal temperatures which has been wonderful!  It's been nice to wake up to temps in the low 60s/high 50s & daily highs in the mid 70s.  Keep it coming!  This girl wants cold weather!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

1 Down, 2 To Go

Book Fair that is.  One down, two to go.

Our Fall 2012 Book Fair is over---it's been packed up, financials finished & margaritas consumed at the post Book Fair celebration.  I'm not sure how it came to me but I came up with a great idea for the formerly known as "One for Books" but now called "All for Books" campaign.  Last year, our principal agreed to dress up like a student for a day.  He wore a t-shirt with yes, "student for a day" on it, sweats & sneakers.  He went to all the grade levels & spent a 40 minute time block with them.  I had him go to gym class with 4th graders & he ate lunch with 3rd graders.  If you've ever spent any time in an elementary school cafeteria as an adult you know just how painful that can be.  This year I asked if he'd be willing to wear a rainbow afro wig & dance on our morning announcements to the Afro Circus song from Madagascar 3 if we raised enough money for AfB.   Being super awesome, he said yes.  I decided to ask some of the teachers if they'd be willing to do the same if the kids raised a certain amount of money.  A good deal of them said they'd be happy to.

Which is pretty amazing if you think about it.  Are you willing to put on a rainbow afro wig & dance to this ridiculous song on camera?  Our school has some pretty incredible people working under its roof.  Teachers  I was sure would say no actually said yes.  And they brought props.  As the dollar amounts increased, the dances got better & more creative.  Our teachers are nothing if not competitive!

Monday, our principal records his dance.  Super good sport, that man!

Despite being absolutely bone tired on Friday night, I managed to get the online financials finished.  It's not too time consuming so I figured I'd get it out of the way before crawling into bed at 10pm.

Now that Book Fair is over, I need to get things together for the PTA's Treasurer's Audit for last year.  Had I been smart I would have started gathering everything back in July.  You know, like I said I would.  I'm hoping  to have everything to our auditor by Thursday.

Then I can truly relax a bit.

And hopefully get the Afro Circus song out of my head.  Or at least stop laughing out loud whenever I hear it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


I love this man.   I'm not even going to list all the reasons why, or the things he does for our family.  Honestly, they're too numerous to list.  I'm thankful that he is my husband.  I'm thankful that he's such a great daddy to our sweet girl & that they have a wonderful relationship.  

I love you, Hunter!   xox

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Totally Random

The 2nd week of school has come and gone---homework was finished in a timely manner and without fussing, thankyouverymuch.  Sunshine's weekly behavior chart was all 3s (our school district uses a numerical system--3 being the highest and  means that standards have been met/exceeded,  2 meaning "needs help/progressing toward meeting the standard" and 1=Do not pass go, do not collect $200), an AR test has been taken and passed.  And I've decided to recommit to being proactive about my health.

I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes five years ago.  I had Gestational Diabetes while I was pregnant with Sunshine and  knew it could come back later in life.  For me, "later in life" meant when my daughter turned 3.

I changed my diet drastically--cutting out things like pasta, chips, most breads.  Things that I love.  And really, really miss.  Occasionally I will allow myself a little taste of them, but it's a really small, tiny, itsy bitsy portion.  I also began exercising more than just a little jaunt with our super schnauzer Libby and a wee Sunshine.  Within a few months,  I found myself 30 lbs lighter and wearing a pants size that I hadn't worn since 1989.

Five years down the road, I found myself not exercising as much as I should, not avoiding all the foods I should but somehow still in the same size pants.  That's got to count for something, right?

I went to see my diabetic nurse last week and was pleasantly surprised to discover that I was 13 lbs lighter than I was last year.  This with little exercise and not so stringent eating habits.  Hmmm, maybe there IS something to that whole giving up Diet Coke thing.

Did I mention that I've given up my daily Diet Coke?  I did.  When we were on vacation, Hunter would go out for coffee in the morning or we'd have whatever coffee was being served in whichever home we were staying.  When we were making the drive from my brother's house in Delaware to the ILS in VA, we stopped at Sheetz for drinks/snacks.  I had what was quite possibly the worst tasting Diet Coke ever.   The carbonation was off and it was just horrible.  I wound up dumping it and getting water instead.   The same thing happened a couple days later when we were driving from VA to home.  Wonky tasting Diet Coke.  Ick.

So, this -13 lbs thing.  Totally motivated me to get back on my obsessive track.  I've walked 6 out of 8 days this week  --there's a park near Sunshine's school that has a beautiful walking trail around the lake.  The trail is 2 miles and while it doesn't offer a real lot in the way of hills and such, it's a decent trail.  I've managed to manage to do it in 24 minutes on the days that I'm walking alone, 29 minutes the days I've walked with Hunter  (Monday) and Sunshine (Sunday the 19th, Saturday & today ).  The best part about walking with Sunshine is that she wants to race me.  I don't believe in letting her win just because---it's not how I was raised.  Well, sort of--my Mom would let me win.  Dad wouldn't.  So, if we race, I sprint.

I've found myself repeating silly mantras such as "this is a marathon, not a sprint" in regards to my diabetes. And "that Ritter Sport bar won't taste as good as losing weight will!"  And I may or may not have told myself "RUN! Run that butt off!" while sprinting across the foot bridge the other day.

Okay, so I did.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Final Score Mom: 10 Homework: 0

It seems that most days homework is a massive undertaking in our home.  It really doesn't make sense as Sunshine is a pretty bright kid (really, she's like highest honors sort of bright), this stuff should be a piece of cake for her, right?


It's a struggle.  It's a battle.  It's a colossal pain in the you-know-where.

It's not like we're new to homework.  She had it in Kindergarten, she had it in 1st grade, she had it in 2nd grade.    We have a desk set up that is just for her use.  It's stocked with school supplies.  For some reason, the spinning chair that is with it is way too distracting.  We've tried the dining room table as well.  But, isn't it more fun to look around the room & play with the dogs as they rest under the table?

Today is the 1st day of the 2nd week of school.  Homework starts tonight.  We were home by 2:45 this afternoon.  As Sunshine was finishing up her snack, I told her that she had an hour to play, watch tv, relax, whatever but at 4pm we were starting our homework.

At 4:02 she ran into her room to avoid doing homework.

At 4:10, I finally got her in the kitchen at her desk with her binder open & was reading the assignments.  Math & language arts--easy enough.  The math worksheet was both sides & she was done in less than 5 minutes.  This includes her getting up to get a drink of juice.

Language arts was done in as much time as it took her to write her name on a piece of paper, put the words in alphabetical order & put the paper, along with the math sheet in her communications folder.

Done, done, done.

I'm sure there will be other days that homework is a battle, but today?  I won.  HA!  Take that homework!  I'd stick around to listen to your reply, but I'm off to have a Barbie play date w/ Sunshine.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

What's the rush?

So Sunshine came home from her first day of school with the promise of a birthday party invitation.  As I sat on the bench at the path (there's a paved path leading down the hill from behind Sunshine's school that leads down to a road where you can avoid all the car line traffic.  Most days anyway), the little girl told me that her mom would be calling me to invite Sunshine to her 8th birthday party and that it would be a swim party.

The next day the call came and I told her that Sunshine would love to attend and was looking forward to Saturday.

Fast forward to Friday after school when I realized that the party was less than 24 hours away and we still hadn't picked up a present.  Ask we were driving to Target, I asked Sunshine what did she think would be a good gift for L.  "Hmmm, how 'bout a Barbie?" she said.  Why wouldn't she?  She's 8, loves Barbies and really, who knows what 8 year old girls want other than an 8 year old girl herself?

You would be wrong.  I called L's mom to see what would be a good gift.  Sunshine & L are friends but not super besties.  I was told no Barbies, no princess anything, no Hello Kitty.  She went on to explain that L has 2 older sisters (12 & 14) and is into, wait for it-----make up & nail polish.  

Maybe she heard me drop the phone, maybe she heard what I thought was a barely audible gasp, maybe I really didn't drop the phone or gasp out loud.  But in my head I did.

Make up?  She's EIGHT!  I'm not saying that Sunshine isn't allowed a little lip gloss or some shimmer powder on special occasions and we're all about the occasional mani/pedi, but she's certainly not into MAKE UP at EIGHT years old!

Her mom went on to add that she did love drawing and crafts. . .maybe I did drop the phone & gasp?  I thanked her and explained to Sunshine that a Barbie for L wouldn't be a good idea.  Her reaction?  "Maybe I won't go to the party after all"  I explained to her that it was okay if she went since we had already RSVP'd and that it was okay if she & L didn't have the same interests.  And I told her that I was glad she was still into dolls.

But come on, make up??

After we picked out a suitable gift we met some friends at the pool for a swim.  As we were leaving, the family of another girl in Sunshine's class were getting there.  Sunshine and E have been in the same class for 3 years now.  She's a nice little girl---she's smart, she's respectful, and is just an all around good kid.  Same goes for her older and younger sisters.  The mom and I have exchanged pleasantries for 3 years but really haven't talked at length.  Until yesterday as we were leaving the pool.

She asked if Sunshine was going to the party and how was I handling it.  It's a drop off party.  And it's also a party for the 12 year old sister's soccer team.  E's mom had the same concerns as I did---drop off party for 2 different events.  A lot of people.  People we didn't know.  And what was up with the make up??  She said that E was still into dolls and more traditional little girl things.

I breathed a sigh of relief and told her that Sunshine was too.  She made me feel better that Sunshine hasn't outgrown her dolls and moved into serious tween/teenhood.  When she said "why would you ever encourage your 8 year old to grow up so fast?"  She has older kids (11 year old daughter who is a sweet girl and a 13 year old son), she knows the middle school kids.  And she's exactly right.  Why do we encourage our little girls to be big girls so soon??  And then complain that teenage girls dress/act so provocatively.  

There'll be plenty of time for make up, nail polish and the like.  Childhood is all too short and I, for one, am encouraging Sunshine to be a little girl for a long time!

Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day of 3rd Grade

              Friends always help the first day jitters go away!  My sweet girl is officially a big 3rd grader.  So cliche, but where did the time go??

Sunday, August 12, 2012

'Twas The Night Before School Started

Twas the Night Before School Started

Author: unknown
Twas the night before school started
when all through the town
the parents were cheering
it was a riotous sound.

By eight the kids were washed
and tucked into bed
when memories of homework
filled them with dread.

New pencils, new folders, new notebooks too,
new teachers, new friends, the anxiety grew.
The parents just giggled when they heard of this fright
and shouted upstairs-GO TO BED-IT'S A SCHOOL NIGHT!

The 3rd grade saga begins tomorrow.  Sunshine got the teacher we requested (after the first two were 1) reassigned to another grade & 2) got a job in her hometown 45 min. away) & she is wonderful.  The benefit of me working at school so much is I have the opportunity to see how the teachers interact with their children in & out of the classrooms.  And how the teachers interact with one another.  While Sunshine & one of her best gal pals aren't in the same class, she is with several other girls whom she likes.  Best of all, two of my PTA mommy friends have girls in Sunshine's class.  Thursday when we were at Verification Day there was much hugging & promises of our class having a great year with the "trifecta" of rooms moms!  It did my little ego good when one of the 3rd grade teachers (who taught 2nd last year) said to Mrs. Fabulous (Sunshine's teacher this year) that it wasn't fair that she had 2 of the best room moms from 2nd grade in one class!  I went through her roster with her so she could talk to some of the moms whose children's names I starred.
So, Sunshine is in bed, the backpack is full of fresh, new school supplies & her new outfit & shoes are ready to go in the morning.  I need to get myself into bed because 6 am is going to come awfully early.  In true over-extended form, I need to get some work done at school tomorrow after dropping her off in her classroom.  I need to make copies of the PTA Grant letter to the faculty/staff, do a 2nd count on the money we brought in on Verification Day & speak with the Super Bookatarian about the AR kick off next Monday.  I've also got 2 shifts at the school store this week--Tuesday night during the K-2nd Orientation & again on Friday morning.  
Boarding the crazy train. . .

Monday, July 30, 2012


I mentioned that while we were home, I purchased a friend's daughter's AG collection.  Or what was left of the collection.  My purchase allowed Miss M to go to another week of summer camp & left me with 3 AG dolls, a carrier, a doll bed with the original bedding, the styling chair, styling caddy, 2 doll sleeping bags, 15 outfits, a dog & some accessories.  Before we left VT I managed to get everything organized by outfit, made a note of everything by year it was released & started making plans to sell what I wasn't going to keep.

When we got home I managed to get pictures of everything.  And I do mean EVERYTHING.  Every little flaw, every little scratch.  The three dolls all have hair cuts of some sort.  One of the doll had waist length 70s stick straight hair.  It's now a shoulder length bob.  The doll that Sunshine has said  she'd like has her mid-back length hair cut into a pseudo-pixie.  The doll Sunshine wants for Christmas has bangs.  She doesn't when you first get her.  

After consulting with my mom I decided to try to sell 2 of the dolls---the 70s girl (Julie) & the one who will be joining us at Christmas (Kit).  I could send Kit off for a new wig courtesy of a lady who is on an online forum with me, but it wouldn't solve the problem of the few pen marks on her legs.  True, I could Oxy them & hope for the best, but what if it didn't work?  And then there was the problem of finding her meet outfit & such.  Sunshine has wanted this doll for a year.  She knows what comes with a new doll.  And she knows that Santa doesn't deal in "vintage" or "TLC dolls".  So, Kit will be rehabbed & offered up.  The last doll (known as #22) is in remarkably good condition despite her home hair cut.   I've decided to send her off for a new head after the holidays & see if she'll be Birthday '13 or Christmas '13.  Her meet outfit isn't a big deal as I can get one a little easier than Kit's kit & caboodle.  Get it?  Kit's kit & . . . okay.

Which brings us to today.  70s doll is boxed up & ready to go to her new owner tomorrow, as are her 3 outfits & 3 additional outfits.   I've sold a total of 10 out of the outfits, one doll & some of the accessories.  Kit will go off to "Dr. R" for a new wig & I'll see what I can do to make her vinyl body look a little better.  Today a friend commented that her daughter has been bugging her for an AG doll & she might be interested in Kit once she's a little more presentable.  

I told Hunter that I've learned my lesson in buying AG lots.  It hasn't been terribly difficult selling this stuff but the idea of "what if it doesn't sell" has been looming over my head.   Hopefully the rest'll go quickly as people start buying for the holidays once fall comes.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Christmas in July

Please note that it's 5:47pm on Friday, 20 July 2012 & I am wrapping Christmas presents.  

Sunshine is all gung ho American Girl.  Especially Felicity & Elizabeth, both of whom are retired, I beg your pardon, archived

Archived is fancy speak for "no longer sold in stores or on our website therefore you must pay ridiculous secondary market prices for these items."  But this year I learned something interesting.  There's a "summer slump" on ebay.  Makes sense---people are away on vacation or enjoying more time out of doors with their families to sit home & scour the internet for goodies.

This has paid off to my advantage, as you can tell.  I've managed to scratch 5 retired, nay archived items off of her wish list.  And at very.reasonable prices.  So, this afternoon I'm wrapping these gifts in anticipation of being able to ship them off to VT prior to the holiday season.  One of her presents (Kit's bed) is already up there, only with the old bedding.  Hence the box with the new bedding.  Luckily that won't have to be wrapped as Santa doesn't wrap at our house.  Or at Memere's.

You might be asking yourself why do I have Christmas presents in my living room.  In broad day light.  While we were in VA visiting his family, Hunter decided he'd like to go back up to help out with his dad whose health isn't great.  Sunshine decided (the day before he left) that she'd like to go up too & spend some time w/ Grandma & Pappa.  So, it's Risky Business 2012 here.  Sunglasses, button down shirt, dancing in my foyer & in front of the fireplace.  You know, the usual.

I'm enjoying getting things done & having my quiet time but I miss my little family.  Hunter & I have spent so much time apart in our marriage that I find myself falling into my old deployment routines of staying up too late & sleeping in.  But I've only ever been away from my sweet Sunshine when we went to Paris a few years back.  And I've never been alone in this house.  It's weird looking toward her side of the house & seeing her bed still perfectly made, toys on the floor but no pitter patter of her feet or the squeal of her giggle.  *sigh*  Luckily they'll be home in a couple days & I can get hugs!

This weekend I've got plans with some girlfriends which should be fun.  Yesterday, I met up with the Uber Bookatarian to do some knitting & then was joined by another friend to go to Opelika to an antique mall & then to World Market.  Great day & I was completely wiped out when I got home!

Have a great weekend & promise not to laugh at me 5 months from now when I'm scrambling around trying to find Sunshine's Christmas presents that I wrapped today!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

3 Years

October '67.  My Dad carrying me in the bassinet with my brothers & sister at our camp.  

It's hard to believe that it's been 3 years since my Dad died.  Sunshine & I had spent two weeks in VT with him & my Mom, knowing it was truly a "good bye" visit.  Truth be told, I always thought each visit prior to that was our "good bye" visit as his health wasn't good for years.  This time I knew it really was good bye.  

The day after we left VT, he went into the hospital.  Three days later he died.  We'd been home in Georgia for a day & had been out grocery shopping when my Mom called shortly before 2pm to let me know he was gone.  I can still see my kitchen as it was on that day.  And I remember leaving groceries out on the counter for hours afterward.

No matter how much you prepare for news such as this, you're never truly ready to hear it.

I miss you, Daddy.  I miss you every single day.  Father's Day is so hard without you.  I know we have Hunter to celebrate on that day, but he's my husband, not my Daddy.  Your birthday is another hard day to get through.  I try to focus on Sunshine & the rest of our family on Christmas but yeah, that's a hard day too.  I know you're in a better place where you're not in pain & can think clearly but it still hurts to be without you. I love you & miss you.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dear Girl H8rs

You know who you are.  You're the woman running through American Girl saying "I'm SO glad I have boys!"  And you're the sales associate in *okay, I'll be nice & not give your store name* who said "wow, thank goodness I have a boy!"

You know what?  You stink.  You stink & you're mean.  Who the H would say something like that within earshot of A GIRL?!!  My girl, to be specific.

So you stink, you're mean & guess what?  I think you're a big ol' pootie-head.  Which is what my husband calls me when I'm being well, a pootie head.

As the mom of a girl, I happen to love them.  I love the obsession with all things pink even if means I have to be the bad guy & insist that there IS a limit on the number of pink items our house can old.

I love that my daughter gets all squealy & giggly.  Didn't you do that when you were, you know, A GIRL yourself?  You know you did.

I love when I'm getting ready to go somewhere & Sunshine will come into my bathroom & ask if she can put on a little lip gloss or a little perfume.  I love blow drying her hair & planting a little kiss on the nape of her neck.  I love that she's just as excited by Bonne Bell Strawberry Lip Balm as I am.

I love that she insists that she has her own "fashion" & when she runs into her room to add a necklace or bracelet.

It thrills me to no end when she dances or does little gymnastics moves.  I know she's at the age where the gymnastics bug is biting.  I swear, if I could get the kid to watch ice skating with me, she'd be perfect.   I nearly burst with pride when she said she wanted a pink Boston Red Sox hat & a Red Sox tervis tumbler.

I love that we can take Girls Only trips together.  Or have a girls afternoon---go to lunch, get mani/pedis, get our hair cut, etc.   I love when she tries on high heels & works the cat walk in the middle of the TJ Maxx shoe department.

Does your son do that?  Probably not as you'd stroke out if your son wanted a mani/pedi.  Or if he insisted on getting the Hello Kitty Sleep Mask from the end cap in Target.

I'm not down on boys---I'm married to one.  I love boys.  Well, I love MY boy.  Man.  You know what I mean.  But I don't get the never ending "I'm so glad I have a boy!" spiel I hear from some moms of boys.  It's smug & it's meant as a put down.

Who do these women think their precious princes are going to marry??   GIRLS, that's who!

I'm really glad you're happy with your child.  I'm really happy with mine.

You know, because she's a GIRL!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I swear, I'm alive

I know, I know, I've been away FOREVER!  How did you ever manage to get by without me?  We're home after our annual trek North.   Here's a few of our stops:

We went here (hint:  Generals Grant & Lee met here)

                                     And we went here so Elizabeth & Felicity could have a homecoming!
                                              The Governor's Palace in Colonial Williamsburg.
    And here.  One of my favorite cities in the whole wide world.  Hint:  they speak French.
                                                          Aw, I just gave it away!

So, that's been the last three weeks in a nutshell.   I'll tell you more later.  I promise!

Friday, June 15, 2012


I've loved hydrangeas for as long as I can remember.  They're second only to peonies.  Which just so happens to be one of my favorite words to see in print or written:  peony.  

When we were looking at houses, I told people that I'd know the right house because it would have blue hydrangeas & a mimosa tree.  We found what I thought was the right house for us---4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths.  It had a formal living room, formal dining room, large L shaped family room, in a cul-de-sac, 2 stories & there was a large mimosa tree in the back yard.  And it was a great size yard.

Unfortunately, I was too busy looking at what was right with the house to see what was wrong.  The master bedroom & en suite bath were tiny.  Really tiny.  Our bedroom furniture wouldn't have fit.  Well, it would have but it would have been a tight fit.  And the master bath was the size of some apartment bathrooms I'd had.  There was no option of knocking out a wall to enlarge it as it backed up to the stairwell.

And the yard, well, it had holes in it.  They might have been made by the tenant's dog, or by a critter creating tunnels underground.  Or other things.  There were issues that our realtor pointed out to Hunter that I have since blocked because I was convinced that we were meant to have THAT house.

The more I raved about the house, the more Hunter would make faces & express his concerns.  Hindsight being 20/20, our realtor did us a favor.  We went on to bid on a different house & were outbid.  Two days later we looked at this house.  It was the first house out of 9 (I think, 9? Maybe 10.) that actually had him smiling.  "This house, I like!" he said as we walked up the driveway & into the garage.  There were negatives, of course, but he pointed out what minimal things they were, that the owner would pay to have them fixed & again, "this house, I like!"

But there was no mimosa tree & there was no hydrangea plant.

Or so we thought.  Our neighbor, Miss Jane, gave us a blue hydrangea as a housewarming/welcome to the 'hood gift.  Hunter's parents gave us a mimosa.  I was giddy when they both bloomed our first Spring here.

And I was positively bursting with joy when I realized that at the end of the hedge row in the backyard, there was a hydrangea.  And it was blue.  And it was magenta!  Two different color blooms on one plant.  Now, I'm not sure what kind of soil is going on in that part of the yard, but I'm glad it's wonky!

A week or so ago I was in the sun room when I noticed something blue & purple in the yard.  My hydrangea had bloomed.  Blue  & purple.  

I knew this was the right house for our family!