Parents often hear the line "you've got to pick your battles" from well meaning friends and family. There are numerous blog posts about it, it's a catch phrase whenever parenting "experts" are on tv or spouting opinions in their books, friends saying it to other friends.
Any parent who has a child oh, 2 years or older has done so. Little boy wants to go outside without boots in the rain? Big girl wants to have dessert before dinner? Big boy wants stay up past his bed time?
There are so, so many times that parents have to make an "executive decision" when it comes to their child. What's going to happen if your son wears Crocs in the rain? Well, his feet will get wet & he'll be uncomfortable. Your daughter wants a cookie or two before dinner? Is it really that bad? Will it set her up for a lifetime of unhealthy eating? No, she'll think it's the best treat, EVER!! and will go back to her regular routine the next day.
Sunshine is 9, going on 10. I don't know how many times I've compromised with her on things like this. We've done dessert before dinner, she's negotiated a later bedtime, she's worn inappropriate footwear in the rain & has played in mud puddles more times than I can count.
The battle that's been ongoing in our house for the last couple years pertains to a specific toy. The accursed
Monster High Dolls.
She's been asking for them for at least two years. And it's not like she wants all of them. She just wants one.
This one. Draculaura.
If you read her little bio on the website you see that she's a lot like Sunshine. She loves pink, smiling, laughing & encouraging her friends. And the frilly umbrella? So Sunshine.
I didn't write the blog post that I shared in the first link, but I could have. I grew up with Barbie & while I certainly didn't resemble her, I did envy her 3 story town house with the elevator, her fabulous shoe collection and her hip 70s wardrobe. It never crossed my mind that her figure was unattainable or that Ken might possibly be sexually confused. She was just a great toy & sent the message that girls could be anything they wanted. I've
blogged about Barbie in the past. While I do think her wardrobe's gotten a little, ahem, skanky, she is still a veterinarian, an astronaut, dog trainer, teacher. Should her lab coat be the length of a skating uniform? Not really.
So, back to the Monster High Dolls. Sunshine has wanted one of these dolls for seriously, two years. Her friends have them, we offer some of the books at the book fair at school. A trip to Target or Toys R Us is spent looking longingly at them. Heaven forbid if one of their cartoons comes on tv.
Yesterday I was either too worn down or just decided to capitulate----I'm not sure which but I bought Sunshine the Draculaura costume (complete with the wig!) she's been begging for. She's always worn her princess dress up dresses for Halloween so really, the cost for Halloween for us has been minimal.
I had the costume in my car and had taken it out of the bag as I was heading up to school after Target to do some PTO stuff (wrist bands & raffle tickets for Fall Festival) as well as bring some roses & candy to Sunshine's home room teacher who is back after maternity leave. Since a friend (our VP) is sick, I offered to bring her kids home. Sunshine put her back pack in the front seat of the car while the kids piled into the back. She didn't see the costume. After dropping off Kim's kids & checking out her daughter's birthday & Christmas presents (AG Saige & part of her collection), we got back in the car to head home as a visit to the pumpkin patch was promised.
As she was moving her backpack she saw it. THE COSTUME. Much squealing, much "Oh Mommy, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" ensued. She changed into it after we got home from the pumpkin patch and had to be told to take it off to do her homework.
So, my daughter is beyond thrilled & I'm not sure whether I feel I've lost the battle or whether it was a draw.
I think I'm claiming a draw.