Sunday, December 1, 2013

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas. . .

We've enjoyed our Thanksgiving Break so much.  After the first three months of school being SO hectic, it's been nice to sleep in, be lazy, be busy for reasons that don't involve the PTO & to just enjoy our little family.For the last few years, we've made what we call our "glitterific ornaments"  Hunter & Sunshine are getting really creative with their swirls!

We went to see Fantasy in Lights at Callaway Gardens.  This is my favorite part---the snowstorm.  We went to dinner with 2 other families and then to see the lights together.  The kids were good  & sat together while the grown ups sat together and had fun.  
When  you're on your 4th year of making glitterific ornaments, you need more places to display them.  The light in our dining room is a perfect place!

My new Ornament for 2013

I purchase a new ornament (at least one) each Christmas.  This is this year's addition.  Truth be told, I didn't put all my ornaments on the tree!  We downsized our tree (7' slimmer tree from a 7 1/2 ' Donner Fit that was like 5' at the bottom) which meant fewer ornaments.  I do put all of the ornaments that Sunshine has made, or that have pictures of her/us.  I have the Hallmark Penguin series that I started collecting in '89 up as well as a few other special ones (the '07 Spode bell ornament that was to remind me of the hardest year of my life).
If you read my last post, you know I'm a bit of a nut when it comes to my Christmas dishes.  I haven't bought a new piece (so far) this year but I'm sure it's a matter of time.  I have 8 bowls, sandwich plates & dinner plates pulled out for our daily dishes until shortly after New Year's Day.  I need to pull out the glasses & wine glasses.

Tomorrow starts back to school for Sunshine for 3 weeks.  They're going to be a crazy 3 weeks too.  We have our Secret Santa prep this week---getting everything wrapped, priced & ready to be put out either Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.   The following week is the actual SSS and then the week after that is the Annual Christmas Show.  Sunshine is in the chorus this year---we've tracked down a black skirt & white blouse for her chorus costume so that's good.  Hopefully, the director doesn't decide he needs props the day before the show.  It's happened before.   And, I think I may need to track down a back up photographer for yearbook pics.

And, I'm behind on my knitting for Sunshine's teacher.  *sigh*  Maybe my tradition of a feather & fan scarf for all her teachers is ending.  I could probably get it done if I focus & commit some time to getting it done.

1 comment:

  1. I actually thought of you and your Spode this weekend while shopping! There were some serving pieces on sale at Tuesday Morning. Don't know if you have that around you, but if you do, it might be worth checking out!
