Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 normal

We've been slowly un-decorating the house this week. The ornaments were taken off the tree & put in their respective boxes. Sunshine had a great time grabbing a box & finding the ornament to help put things away. The mantel is back to normal, the tree is down. Decorations taken out of the guest room & kitchen (the light up ceramic tree my Memere made for me in 1982). We're back to using our regular daily dishes as the Spode Christmas Tree dishes have been washed & put away. I am still on a quest for small bowls, by the way! The cereal bowls are really quite small & I discovered that the clear glass salad bowls (with the tree pattern on the outside) would be great for us. I'll have to scout Ebay this summer when people aren't looking to set a table. The only decoration that's still up is our snowflake window. Our inspiration window, created many years ago by Hunter's aunt, stays up thru the end of January-ish so why shouldn't ours?

Sunshine went back to school today---I think we were all ready. Two and a half weeks is a really nice break, but almost too long. We had a nice "last day of vacation" lunch yesterday at Fuji. Their lunch deals are great (2 rolls of sushi as well as soup or salad for $8.99), their sushi (and food in general) is really good & it's a favorite place of ours. Sunshine had her usual fried rice & onion soup, but with no mushrooms, please! Hunter had the hibachi steak & generously shared his mushrooms with me.

We're leaving her tree up for a few more days. We're having 2 couples over Saturday afternoon/evening & they have 2 little girls (one is 18 months, the other is 13 mos), so I'd like to have Sunshine's room in tip top shape w/ anything breakable put away. She's looking forward to "babysitting"!

Now the task of getting everything back up into the attic faces us. I'm hesitant to climb up the ladder ever since I fell off it last fall getting my Memere's ceramic tree down from the attic (and chipped a branch in the process). Maybe I'll let Hunter have a rest & then get him to help me.


  1. Love the idea of a snowflake window! We take down tomorrow, though it won't be bad, and the tree will go over to the Botanical Gardens for the "one for the chipper" recycling project. Free mulch giveaway on Saturday.

  2. Does that mean they won't line the walking trail with the chipped trees? They did last year & it was amazing when we'd go walking through the woods. The smell of the trees would be in the air & mmmmmm was just magical!

  3. Not sure...I know that there is free mulch pickup on Saturday...but they may use some on the trail too.

    The tree isn't down yet--way too tired. Definitely will do it tomorrow so we can take it Saturday.
