Monday, January 10, 2011

Ice Storm

And no, I don't mean that movie with Sigourney Weaver, Kevin Kline & Frodo Baggins.

Our forecast of snow never came to be as we had sleet from the beginning of the storm last night. There's some snow, but not much---just lots of ice & slush.

It seems such a shame to waste a snow day on this since we can't go outside & enjoy it!


  1. We only had a smiggen of snow here. Absolutely love the pix of the ice droplets on the leaf.

  2. I remember that movie! It's kind of depressing, isn't it?

    We're supposed to get snow tonight, but we'll see.

  3. B--Thanks! I thought it was pretty cool.

    D--It is a depressing movie. No one is happy with their lives & the ending is tragic. From what I've seen on the news, you're definitely getting some snow! Maybe not tonight, but tomorrow!
