Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Words Escape Me

Our sweet girl danced in Coppelia this past weekend.  In February she was approached by one of the instructors about dancing "up" a level for the show.  She was thrilled and of course, said yes.  The best part?  She blended right in and did an amazing job.  
 We had her evaluation for the end of the year and it was great----her instructor commented on her strength, fabulous work ethic, and her confidence.  She was told to not be so hard on herself when she makes a mistake or doesn't get anything right off the bat.  I'm not sure where she gets that *eye roll*. She's motivated to work her tail off during the summer session and fall to get promoted again in January rather than next August. The next promotion means pointe shoes!

This week is our last week of regular classes and we'll have a small recital next week along with level awards.  The awards are new this year so we'll see what they're all about.  Then it's 3 weeks break followed by a week long intensive and then 2 summer sessions with 3 classes a week.  Time to shine, Sunshine!!