Our lives revolve around choices. Tall, Grande, Venti. Value or Supersized. Appetizer or dessert. Go to the gym or stay home. Half full or half empty.
We also make a choice whether we'll be part of the problem or part of the solution. As parents, the choices we make don't just impact our lives, but those of our children.
And that is pretty serious stuff.
There are some parents who never. They never give credit to teachers when credit is due. They never feel they need to follow school policy. They never feel that their child could be at fault. They never roll up their sleeves and pitch in but are quick to complain should something not go as planned.
Some of our parents will get on the FB page & whine. They whine because something didn't come home. Or they don't know when their child's class is doing a particular activity. I've had teachers text me saying that we (the PTO), need to remind them to contact the teacher. If you have someone's phone number and/or email, use it. That's why you were given the info in the first place. Yes, another parent may know the answer to your question but really, go to the source.
I've had parents and grandparents upset because I didn't know when a certain class was going to Book Fair. Didn't I have that information at my house? So that I could give it out at 10:30 at night? ASK THE TEACHER! We have one teacher who is notorious for not signing up for the Fair. One out of 30 isn't too bad. But every Book Fair, there are tons of people asking the same question. None of them ever contact the teachers.
My favorite was an upset grandparent whose granddaughter didn't get to go to Book Fair. 1) it's not my fault & 2) when you go on a public forum to complain, make sure you're giving the whole story. It later came out that the child didn't let her teacher know she had money that morning and asked to go to the Fair at dismissal. She wasn't able to as she would miss her bus to day care.
Other parents have made utter fools of themselves in the Principal's office over their child's behavior. Surely it can't be the child's fault. It never is. Twenty other kids are able to behave, do their work in a timely manner & follow the rules. The fact that your child chose to put his belt around another child's neck in the boys room? Not his fault. True story, by the way. What parent would be okay with their 9 year old doing this? Wouldn't you be a little concerned about his future? Not these folks. They blamed the teacher, the other boy & who knows what/who else.
Another mother witnessed her son punch another student in the stomach in the classroom. When he was called on his bad behavior by the teacher, the mother hugged her son & told him "let's go home, you deserve better than this." Your son just physically hurt another student--and a girl at that, but HE deserves better? This same mother put her name down for room parent and never did a thing. Not in her son's class & not with the old PTA. She did manage to show up for the Volunteer Luncheon. I'm guessing because she deserved it. *eye roll*
Choices, people. Problem vs. solution
We have some really great parents in our PTO. People who generously give of their time, their talents, their connections. The pool where we had our pool party has tons of our parents as members ( my family included), as well as board members. One of the board members refused to take our check to book the pool party. Shook his head and put his hands in his pockets. He felt it wasn't right to take our money as he didn't have to schedule lifeguards for that event.
We have other parents who have various business connections, through which we're able to receive generous donations. One company donates soda & water for our Fall Festival. These parents may not be able to give of their time, but they help out in other ways.
Other parents spend unreal amounts of time at school. They're room parents, they're grandparents who pitch in to help. They look at our school as a family where everyone helps in whatever way they can.
As the commercial says: choose wisely, my friends.
Sing it, sister! You are an amazing mom and the school is so fortunate to have you in the family. Parents like you count so much more than the other.