Monday night I managed to sneak away to Panera to knit w/ the Col. Knit Group. I honestly don't know the last time I went---sometime in August I think.
And as always, a dishcloth provided the perfect sorbet (if you will) for my knitting palate. I'm doing the ball band cloth from Mason Dixon Knitting's 1st book. It's about 1/2 way done--hopefully I'll get some time to work on it tonight.
Our new stove & range hood were installed--thank goodness! Our kitchen is coming along & hopefully I can get the rest of the wallpaper off in the next week & start painting. The floor comes after that!
We've been enjoying the sunroom/ porch in the back of the house. Well, Sunshine & I have. She informed Hunter that it was only for "girls & Barbies" so he's been banished. Poor guy! It faces East so by mid-morning the direct sunlight is gone & it's not too warm. There is an overhead fan which helps to move the air aorund & we have a great view of the pear & crepe myrtle trees with the birdhouses. We have a Blue Jay who keeps coming around---I think he sees the Blue Jay wind chime inside & thinks he's got to free his fellow-bird! We've also got a male & female cardinal, as well as some ofther unidentified birds.
While we know our way around our new neighborhood, we're learning where to go for certain things. I stopped shopping @ Winn Dixie two years ago after what is known as the Prosciutto Incident of 2007. I went to the one down the street from where we used to live, waited for the woman in the deli for 5 minutes before she finally came out & then watched as she got the deer in the headlights look when I asked for prosciutto. It became obvious that she didn't know what it was & that they didn't carry it. I was the bad guy for requesting such a ridiculous item. Come on----who doesn't love a little prosciutto?! It's one of my most favorite things & well, Hunter was deployed & I like to treat myself. So I gave up on WD & was picked on by friends for requesting my "snotty fancy Italian ham"
There is one near us & it seems clean, well stocked etc. So I went in this week to do some shopping. Everyone seems friendly enough. Decent sales (Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream was 3 for $10) & aside from their bagged salad looking kinda wilted, everything looked to be okay.
Until I tried to find the GoGurt that Sunshine likes. Nope, no strawberry with blueberry combo packs. Lots of Sponge Bob, lots of the Trix rabbit, no plain ol' GoGurt. The associate stocking the shelves was too preoccupied to ask what I was looking for.
As I wandered along I discovered there were no boboli shells (thin crust, thank you very much). Hmmmm, some other brand that I've never heard of, but no Boboli.
In case you haven't figured it out, you really don't want to grocery shop with me. I want what I want---doesn't everyone?? Then I wound up in the line with the really.slow.bagger. Normally this isn't an issue but when I have 10 min to check out & get to Sunshine's school it becomes a problem.
And I get all "Oh, let me help you bag" And I do, sort of like an 8 yr old after drinking 3 cans of coke that have been laced w/ pixie sticks.
Again, you really don't want to shop with me.