Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Check List From. . .

you know where.

I was doing so well until Mini-Book Fair hit.  I was caught up on my Treasurer's stuff, my house was clean & I was riding the tide into the fair.

Monday when we closed it up & I got home I realized I was exhausted.  And I had a stack of paperwork to be entered onto my computer.  And somehow there was an insane amount of laundry to be done.  There were 600 pictures uploaded to my computer that needed to be edited & sent to be printed from the Father-Daughter Dance (I may or may not have edited & printed my own.  Please, it's a job perk.) And I needed to do the financials for the Mini Fair.

But, I needed to help assemble the lolligrams for Valentine's Day.  And I needed to distribute them on V-Day as well as get things for Sunshine's class for their party.  Some of this stuff needed to wait.

Today, I managed to close out the Mini Fair online---all that is left is to write the check to Scholastic & mail in the report.  Check.

I also have done 4 loads of laundry with the 5th waiting to go in.  I organized my shoes in my closet & got some things hung up/folded in there.  Check.

The deposits/check requests will have to wait until Monday or Tuesday, but they're ready to go.

The pictures may get worked on this evening.  Sunshine was supposed to have a sleep over with a friend from school, but her mom called earlier to say she's coming down with something & it's coming on fast so our sleepover is postponed.

I'm debating whether to run to the grocery store now rather than tomorrow. . .maybe a check.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what I would do without you. Have I said thank you lately?
