Saturday, January 15, 2011


I'm feeling so blah that "weekend" is the best title I can muster up. Thursday I woke up & brought Sunshine to school. I walked Smitty and after that I can't remember much until I woke up at 1230. Yes, I napped that long. And this was after going to bed around 10/1030 on Weds. night.

Something's rotten in Denmark if I'm that tired.

Yesterday I realized it was the fact that my sinuses are killing me. Like, it hurts to touch my face & I'm convinced my top teeth are about to fall out killing me. So far I've been able to control it with tylenol & sudafed, but am aware that a trip to the doctor could be in my future. Google "Sinus Infection" & see what comes up. Phlegm pictures! Brain abscess! Gah! I'm not a hypochondriac, but really people---do we NEED to see pictures of your phlegm (one of the best & ickiest words) and do I need to know about brain abscess?? By the way, do yourself a favor & NEVER google Nasal Polyps.

I woke up feeling a little better this morning & managed to have Hunter fix me one of his yummy omelettes along with an english muffin for breakfast. Sunshine & I went to Barnes & Noble for their story time. Beauty & The Beast is coming to the Springer Opera House later in the month so they're promoting it now. Little girls came dressed as Belle & a tea party followed. Okay, a hot chocolate & shortbread cookie party, but really it was a tea party.

Tonight we have a birthday party to attend for a friend of ours---I had totally forgotten until last night. Luckily it's at his restaurant so we just need to show up there for dinner & munchies. His SIL is a good friend of mine (which is how we met him & his wife) so Sunshine will have friends there as the SIL has 2 little girls (2 of Sunshine's besties).

Until then, I'm parking it on the couch & not doing a thing. Other than a load of laundry. And drinking lots of fluids so I don't develop a brain abscess. Because that would be really, really bad.


  1. Hope you feel better and that you don't have a brain abscess, because yes that would be bad! I've been using a Neti pot, and I think it is helping w/my sinus issues. I only think I'm dying every other day now :)
    Get some rest!!

  2. My sinuses are driving me nuts, too. I feel your pain.
