Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Thank you notes, 665 yds of alpaca to be wound together & one messy dining room table!

The first day of the year is cool---even if you have nothing major planned.  The day is full of infinite possibility, regardless of what you're doing.  I know my day has been so far.

We had our traditional late dinner last night--something we started the first year we were married.  I have no desire to go out on New Year's Eve & pay elevated menu prices, elevated admissions, drunks on the road, baby sitter prices, etc.  Ugh.  No thank you!  So every year we have snack around dinner time & start cooking around 9:30 or so.  Last night we had some sausage puffs & then Hunter started our steak shortly before 10.  So yummy.  A champagne toast at midnight, me opening the door at midnight to usher 2011 out & then we were off to bed.

Today's been nothing short of wonderful.  Nothing terribly exciting, but just a great day.  I dropped Tinkerbell off at the groomer, ran to Target for a few things then off to meet Kristine to knit.  I really didn't get any knitting done as I was mid-wind on the 665 yds of prime alpaca that I picked up at yarnhouse studios yesterday.  I proceeded to unravel the poncho that I was working on for Sunshine to match her AG doll's.  New year, new beginnings.

I got home in time for lunch & was disappointed to see that the Patriots game wasn't televised.  So, I pulled up the app on my phone for updates, pulled up Sports Illustrated's page for more updates, was texting w/ JC (if I still lived in Boston, I'd be hanging w/ Julie all.the.time!) who was also giving me updates.  Since I wasn't visually tied to the game I started organizing my knitting supplies.  My official New Year's Resolution is to give up guilt---feeling guilty about saying no to things.  While I was with Kristine today, I decided that my knitting goals would be to have no UFO's (hear that Cascade Fixation footies???  And that box stitch baby blanket??? Circa 2008.  I'm looking at you!) this year.  I'm going to finish the socks & have accepted that one of two things will happen to the blanket.  Obviously.  Well, 3 things could happen--1) leave it be.  2)  Finish it or. . .3) frog it.  I've decided that if I finish it, great.  If I frog it (it's maybe 4".  Maybe), that's fine too.  The baby in question is now 3 years old.  I don't know anyone else having a baby & unless I donate it (see how I play upon my own guilt?  Donate it---that's the right thing to do!) there's really no need to finish it.  We'll see what it's final fate will be.

So, I went room to room, putting away needles, going through my stash & prioritizing projects.   First on the list is the Yahoo Monthly Dishcloth KAL.  I've been doing these KALs off & on for almost 7 years.  I enjoy them.  It's a few rows a day & they're done twice a month.   The upshot of dishcloths is they're quick &  practical.  And I almost never get bored with them.  And, I have a huge rubbermaid container filled with cotton yarn.  No I haven't counted how many balls.  Do you think I really have the time to do that?!

Second is to finish my Cascade Fixation socks.  They're anklets so it shouldn't take too long.  And the pattern is easy so I can bring them with me to knitting on Mondays & still be able to talk w/out worrying about messing things up.

Next is my Columns of Leaves Scarf with the aforementioned 665 yds of alpaca.

After that we'll see what happens knitwise!

Happy New Year!!!


  1. You've inspired to sign up for the Yahoo Dish Cloth KAL. Thanks!

  2. YAY! I don't do much on their message board anymore, but the daily knitting "homework" is fun. You'll like it.
