Monday I had a Media Technology Meeting with the ever-wonderful Kristine in the library. Again---we hashed out a few ideas for AR Celebration Week that will 1) start new traditions for the students that will be fun & 2) be easy for us to pull off without too much frustation. Which is really important. Happy volunteers=well run event=happy students.
Tuesday I dropped off my clothes for the Just4Kidz sale. I'm happy to say that as of this morning (with 2 more days left), I've sold 30 out of 39 items!! Speech for Sunshine in the afternoon & then home.
Wednesday is when the week took a turn. And not a good turn! I had come in from walking Smitty & was having breakfast when the nurse called to let me know Sunshine had gotten sick in the classroom & could I please pick her up. When I got into the nurse's office, I saw Sunshine's teacher who informed me that not only did Sunshine get sick, she managed to involve another child whose clothes suffered more than his pride. Luckily, he didn't get sick. Wednesday was school picture day for class pics & spring individual pics. Sunshine keeps her class pics in a frame next to her bed---they go all the way back to her 2 yr old preschool class. Her teacher suggested getting her home, cleaned up, rested & when it was their turn she'd call me & I could sneak her into the gym for the pic. Which is what we did. Until we'd been at school for over an hour. They'd called to let her teacher know they'd be going in 15 min but somehow 15 minutes to the photographers means almost 90 minutes in photography time.
As we were lining the kids up from tallest to shortest to go into the gym, Sunshine got sick again. *sigh* Poor little peanut. Again, there was a victim---one of her friends who was running around the classroom shouting "SOMEONE HELP ME! IT'S ON MY SHIRT!" while I was getting Sunshine to the sink & her teacher was trying to corral the other kids. If we'd had a video camera going, it would have been hysterical.
The remainder of Wednesday was spent in our bed, watching movies & relaxing. By dinnertime, she'd spiked a fever of 102.7 that took a while to come down.
Thursday we went to the doctor's as I wasn't convinced that the nausea & a couple other things (poor performance on a spelling test the day after she hit her head) were caused by happenstance & not the blow to her head. I knew deep down they were unrelated to the head injury, but that nagging Mommy guilt is brutal. Have you noticed that I'm wracked by guilt at times? Man, Catholic school did a number on me! I feel guilty if I don't hold the door for someone.
In true Sunshine fashion, she giggled & played with the doctor. He eased my nagging Mommy guilt & agreed the spelling test bomb was caused by her probably just not feeling 100% even though it was totally out of character & the nausea was probably caused by the virus that's going around school. Which I knew, but I wanted to hear from someone else. And by "someone else" I mean someone with M.D. after their name. Who probably thinks I'm insane with my giggling child.
Which brings us to today. Sunshine is still sick & this nasty little bug has claimed numerous nightgowns, sheets & towels. I've done 2 1/2 loads of laundry since 7am & have 1 more to go before I'm done. Sunshine is camped out on the couch watching tv & playing with various stuffedies. I'm hoping the weekend is good to us & she's totally on the mend for Monday.
And that you have a great weekend!! Enjoy!
Hope she gets to feeling better!