Thursday, September 8, 2011


What is it about carrying a big purse that I find so difficult to give up?  As I was packing up my entire life for 7 days of Book Fair, I realized that it would be so much easier just to carry a little wristlet with my license, credit card, a little cash & maybe a lip gloss rather than my bag which contains my wallet, makeup bag (inhaler, lip balm, 3 lip glosses, 2 lipsticks, tissues, wet wipes, tylenol), extra pens, etc.  I've done it on long road trips & it works wonderfully.  Why can't I do it in my daily life?  The shopping gods tempted me over the weekend when I saw a cute Kate Spade one on sale.  I prided myself on saying "no, I don't need that" & walking away.  Now I'm thinking "if only I'd bought it, I could SO use it now rather than schlepping this monster sized bag"  As I mention this to Hunter, he begins to shake his head.  No, no, no, you don't need it.  You don't need it.  While I'm extoling the virtues of the KS wristlet & practicality of it,  I remember---I have a little bitty Coach bag circa '99 that doubles as a wristlet!  See why I need him around?

Day 1 of Book Fair went off well---I remembered to get cash for the register (and really, here's where the benefits of being PTA Treasurer come into play---I can always dash to the spirit store for change), got the posters hung up (Note to self:  Write up posters when you're doing all the copying for Book Fair that way they can be taped up after set up.) & had the best group of volunteers.  It's been said repeatedly, but our PTA rocks.  We have so many new parents this year who are so happy to get involved.   Two of the moms today volunteered to do more shifts next week!  

And despite wearing comfy sandals, I forgot just how sore I am after standing in one spot for too long.  I try not to sit too much which is probably a mistake.  I had some time to decompress while Sunshine was at Speech & got some knitting done.  And tonight is my secret addiction of the Jersey Shore.  I know, I know.  But I love those dysfunctional, drunk little oompa loompa kids.  And I'm secretly afraid of Snooki.  She may be pint sized, but there's a whole mess o'crazy in that one!

Have a great weekend--looks like this one will be Hurricane & Tropical Storm free for everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You walked away from a purse that was on sale? I am very impressed! I have the big bag syndrome, too. I can even manage to put a bunch of crap in my Thirty-One skirt purse, and that's one of my smaller bags. I use my wristlet as a pouch for my little camera. Have a great weekend :)
