Tuesday, September 13, 2011


After much planning, stressing, emailing, phone calling, more stressing, executing & much fretting, we pulled off our Family Night at Book Fair!  The Coca Cola Space Science Center came out  & set up a dome in the school's gym for Stories Under The Stars.

At 5 'til 6 we were a little worried as we usually have a line of people at 5:45pm but tonight there was no line.  But, as they say in Fields of Dreams:  "If you build it, they will come"

Folks, we built it, we laid it out on the table & they came!

Much awesomeness followed, both in the gym & in the library.  We had a great night & raised some good money for our school.

We have 3 more days, including a 7 am opening on Friday for Grandparents Breakfast but luckily, that's not my responsibility.  All I need to do is show up & sell some books.  Then, at 3 pm, it's margarita time!

No stress involved with that!

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