Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pet Peeves

I know it's the Christmas season & we should be all thankful & joyous, but these things have been bugging me & I need to get them off my chest.

I don't like when the bottom of footie pajamas wear out before the actual pajamas themselves. This has bugged me for years! There is nothing worse than having to cut the feet off because really, the whole point is to have on the pjs, not just a zip up union suit.

People who use the British spelling of things (favourite, humour, etc). If you were educated abroad, great. If you're a UK citizen, rock on. If you grew up in Wisconsin, give me a break. It's pretentious.

People who think it's acceptable for their children to run around in a busy restaurant. Especially school age children. We went to dinner Friday night w/ Sunshine to a Japanese steak house (Sunshine's all about the miso soup & rice). We were seated next to a family of 4 whose children were still in their fancy private school uniforms. The daughter could.not.sit.still to save her life. We know people whose children attend this school. Their standards are high. Children are expected to behave & I'm willing to bet it goes beyond the classroom & spills out into home life. Did the parents say anything to her? Nope.

We already know about my feelings toward the deli dept. @ Winn Dixie.

And people who don't return phone calls/email.

I'm also amazed by the gall of people who claim to "support the troops", yet have never sent so much as a card or care package to anyone serving overseas.

People whose dogs have no manners. I work with Smitty so that he's not "that dog" --you know--the one jumping on you, barking incessantly, letting them jump on my dog. Pulling your dog off someone & telling them "no" isn't mean. It's what your dog needs.

Moms who volunteer to come in to their child's classroom to help out, but leave after their child's project is done. Yesterday we had a mother do this. Sunshine's teacher turned down other offers from parents because she thought 3 parents would be enough. And it would have if this mom had stayed to help EVERYONE's child. I understand wanting to help your child with their project. When we do certain crafts at school (decorating t-shirts), I want to help Sunshine. But I also help a good amount of other children before helping my own.

This week is our Secret Santa Shop at school. I volunteered for 2 shifts as I've got Room Mom obligations (Monday was the only day I wasn't in Sunshine's class) & AR Celebration week next week & honestly, I'm wiped out. Yesterday I was at school for 4 hours, today for 6. 2 1/2 of which were courtesy of the mom who blew off everyone else yesterday. Tomorrow is a "short" day---only 2 hrs. Phew!

Off to make some ornaments with Sunshine---we're addicted to the glitter on the inside ones!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the deli @ Winn Dixie! How I remember!

    I better not get started on my pet peeves. I would be here all day.
